September 2021
At the beginning of September 2021, thanks to funds generously donated by our network of supporters, we were able to reach out to people living with epilepsy in Kampala. We provided them with both food and medicine supplies, which were gratefully received.

This included a mother, her daughter who suffers with epilepsy, and her son. Their father left the family as he was unable to cope with his daughter's condition, and so the son now tries to support the family financially by making and selling bricks, though it brings in little income and prevents him from continuing into secondary education.
Sadly, this is just one of many similar situations for a child has epilepsy.

This work is not possible without your support and we are very grateful for this. There are of course many more who we would like to reach and support regularly.
April 2021
Thanks to a generous cash grant from ROW Foundation in April 2021, we were able to buy goats to help generate additional income for epilepsy-affected households, helping to improve livelihoods in the longer term.